Building on the coffee land
While our June stay in Coatepec was cruelly short there was nonetheless sufficient time to progress work on the coffee land just a little. The workshop/toolshed had been completed a few months ago and we wanted to seal it up with a coat of paint. Meanwhile, Gabriel had put a team of builders together to construct a small open sided kitchen (basically, a concrete and tiled roof sitting on four concrete columns over a concrete tiled floor), that will come into its own for the next coffee harvest at Christmas time. Over a couple of days we went out and did some painting, did a bit of gardening, and generally enjoyed hanging out in these lovely surroundings.
Most of the following pix will be pretty self-evident, but anyone with an interest in building may find the "tree trunk tool" a little different. The rods have been driven into the trunk for bending the steel rod to make the circular stirrups for the column reinforcing. The concrete is all mixed by hand.
Most of the following pix will be pretty self-evident, but anyone with an interest in building may find the "tree trunk tool" a little different. The rods have been driven into the trunk for bending the steel rod to make the circular stirrups for the column reinforcing. The concrete is all mixed by hand.