Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Return to the French Shore

On our recent teaching trip to Nova Scotia we had two fully free days for looking around. On the first of these we headed back to the French Shore. I took a few pictures of houses that ribbon the road from one settlement to the next.

Sea captains' houses walking trail in Yarmouth

On the day trip to the French Shore and Yarmouth we decided to look at some of the houses on the Sea Captains' Houses walking tour. Once we were in amongst the streets and houses, however, we decided just to walk a few blocks rather than just look at the houses on the trail. As a result we only saw a fraction of the actual sea captains' houses, but saw plenty of other architecture we really enjoyed. Michele was invited by the owner to look through a house, now a Bed and Breakfast place.

Cape Split and Hall's Harbour

These are right on the Bay of Fundy shore of Nova Scotia. To get to them from Wolfville you have to climb a hill that offers some nice views of farmland in the Annapolis Valley. We got to Scott's Bay, from whence there is a 5 mile walking track to Cape Split, but had arrived too late in the afternoon to attempt it. So we took some pix of Scott's Bay and then headed to Hall's Harbour.